8 Best Practices for Web Application Security in 2024

In the current advancing digital world, web apps are essential to operational processes and user satisfaction. However, being heavily dependent on these applications also puts them at great risk of security breaches which must be well controlled.

Web Application Security

The majority of data breaches and cyber-attacks arise from vulnerabilities in web applications. Therefore, an organization’s data, systems, and users need to be protected through effective web application security.

In this article, we will give a summary of the key practices that organizations can use for developing secure web applications.

1. Establish a Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

For building secure applications on the web, it is highly foundational to have security at all stages of your software development lifecycle (SDLC) integrated rather than viewing it as an afterthought.

At the start, web application security testing should be done first to highlight the main vulnerabilities and possible attack vectors of the web app. This will enable them to deal with priority risks at design stage.

Secure Software Development Lifecycle

During development, organizations should adopt secure coding standards along with training programs that can help mitigate vulnerabilities being introduced in the first place. Furthermore, regular static and dynamic analysis security testing must be performed to identify any issues before downloads.

This ensures that security is left-shifted throughout the process, which saves a lot more money compared to fixing vulnerabilities during production. It also creates a sense of a security culture among other members of the software project team.

2. Follow OWASP Security Guidelines

In order to avoid the occurrence of common web application vulnerabilities, organizations should consult the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).

OWASP has a list updated regularly that show cases top ten most critical risks in web applications. This will go a long way in improving an application’s security posture by simply addressing these top vulnerabilities only. OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) also contains exhaustive requirements and controls in various categories such as authentication, input validation, and session management.

A software development company does not need to reinvent the wheel concerning web app security when they can leverage OWASP’s guidelines. They form a strong basis to test website applications security. Prioritizing and implementing key recommendations from OWASP will strengthen protection against both common and emerging threats.

3. Implement Strong Authentication and Access Controls

In order to secure access to web applications, strong user authentication and access controls must be enforced. Relying on weak credentials for example usernames and passwords alone has become insufficient.

Authentication and Access Controls

To add another layer of protection, organizations should implement multi-factor authentication (MFA). The users must prove their identification by using an additional factor such as a one-time code sent through a smartphone. Consequently, the chances of account takeovers because of hacked passwords will go down significantly.

Moreover, when conferring authorizations to users, web apps have to adhere to the principle of least privilege. Users must be provided only with the minimum access rights they need to carry out their assigned tasks. This implies that it is important to review and update control mechanisms in order not to allow permissions to pile up unnecessarily over time.

4. Keep Software Updated and Patched

Unpatched vulnerabilities in web apps provide an open door for attackers to exploit. Establishing a strong patch management process is essential to promptly deploy relevant security updates.

Organizations should monitor for new vulnerabilities in the software platforms and components used by their web apps, such as frameworks and libraries. Vendors will often issue security advisories about known issues and provide patches. Deploying these patches in a timely manner closes security gaps before they can be taken advantage of by attackers.

While speed is important, balance it by testing patches before deploying them into production environments. This helps avoid unforeseen impacts on web app functionality and availability. Automating the patch management process as much as possible is highly recommended.

5. Encrypt Data and Communications

Encrypting sensitive data and communications should be a core part of any web application security strategy. The use of HTTPS to encrypt web traffic should be a bare minimum for all apps handling private user data or transactions. This protects information from interception or manipulation in transit.

Encrypt Data

Additionally, web apps should implement robust encryption for any data stored at rest on servers or in databases. This adds protection against data theft in the event of a breach. Proper key management processes must be established to securely generate, distribute and store cryptographic keys.

Encrypting web app data and traffic provides fundamental protection of sensitive information and should never be overlooked.

6. Validate and Sanitize User Inputs

One of the most common sources of web app vulnerabilities are unsafe user inputs. These can be exploited to launch attacks like cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection which can completely compromise applications.

Validating and sanitizing untrusted user inputs is critical to mitigating these risks. Input validation enforces checks on data type, length, format, and range before accepting it. Sanitization removes or encodes potentially malicious characters and patterns that could be abused.

Implementing centralized input validation and sanitization routines that are applied everywhere, untrusted data is processed providing strong protection. Input validation should also be performed at multiple layers such as client-side, server-side, and databases for defense-in-depth.

7. Monitor and Audit to Secure Web Applications

Ongoing monitoring and auditing are essential for detecting and responding to security incidents in a timely manner. Web apps should be continuously monitored for anomalous activity, such as spikes in failed login attempts or traffic to irregular pages. These may indicate reconnaissance or actual attacks.

Audit to Secure Web Applications

Regular external vulnerability scans and penetration testing should also be conducted. While internal testing is useful, third-party assessments provide an unbiased perspective of potential weaknesses. Reviewing security logs and alerts daily also allows suspicious events to be quickly investigated.

Proactive monitoring and auditing enable organizations to identify and mitigate security issues before they are exploited in an attack.

8. Have an Incident Response Plan

Despite best efforts, sometimes breaches will occur. Organizations need to be ready to respond quickly and effectively. Having an incident response plan for both web and mobile application development is crucial for quick and effective responses.

The plan should establish clear roles and responsibilities for incident response. Communication procedures for reporting and sharing threat intelligence also need to be outlined. Response strategies and workflows should be defined for containing incidents, eradicating threats, recovering systems, and conducting post-mortems.

Testing and updating the incident response plan regularly, such as via tabletop exercises, will strengthen an organization's readiness. Planning ahead of time will minimize damage from any web app attacks.


One of the most significant concerns for companies with an internet presence is web application security. Nonetheless, risks can be lowered substantially if security best practices are followed in all stages of a web app development and operations life cycle. Adhering to these tips from reliable sources such as OWASP will help create applications that will withstand both the usual and new threats.

Even though there may still be attacks, proactive monitoring and prompt incident responses can limit their effects. Moreover, human beings are the first line of protection throughout the organization’s culture of safety. By doing this, companies will be able to run their web apps without fearing them.