Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly can we get started?

Fill out the consultation form right away to schedule a free call. The Services page outlines our services and typical process. We will get on a call, share ideas, and start onboarding.

What do you charge for a project?

Every project is unique because each website, web/mobile app, or custom software requires different technical know-how, programming, and design. We ensure you receive the best product and service for your investment.

What if we don’t like the end product?

From the onset, we work with you to create a plan and process. We guarantee that you are part of all major decisions regarding your software. If you’re ever unsatisfied, we’ll work with you to make it right.

Which technology do you use?

Our approach to technology solutions is highly flexible and created for the specific needs of each project. We believe in hand-tailoring solutions that perfectly fit our customers' requirements. For website development, we primarily utilize Craft CMS, a powerful and customizable content management system that allows us to create dynamic and feature-rich websites. However, depending on the project's unique needs and goals, we may also incorporate other technologies and frameworks to ensure the best outcome. Our focus is always on delivering the most effective and efficient solution for our clients.

Why can't I just use Wix/WordPress to build a website?

You absolutely can! But suppose you want to build a secure, dynamic, and well-customized website that is tailored to your needs and not created from a "one size fits all" solution. In that case, it might make more sense to work with a developer to suit your needs. This is because a website created custom is limited only to your imagination. Although websites built on Wix/WordPress can have many essential features, they are limited by the functionalities of the website builder.